Posted in Business, church, faith, inspiration, Jesus, Religion

You can’t do it all

Yesterday evening I was finishing up the last few chapters of Exodus.  In chapter 35, God gave Moses the vision to build the Tabernacle. As I was reading, I was in awe of how precise God’s instructions were.  He gave instructions down to the curtains. Even though God gave Moses the instructions (vision), the word says that Moses gathered the whole community. What does this mean? It means God trusted Moses enough to carry the vision, but Moses was smart enough to delegate tasks. When I read that from an entrepreneur’s eyes, I realized one thing, I can’t do it all.

You can’t do it all!

What has God called you to do in this season as a leader? Even though you have a vision, you can’t execute the vision alone. You need workers. God has a community of believers ready to walk with you on this journey to do the work. God didn’t call you to have the vision, sew the curtains, make phone calls, write contracts, receive the money, create flyers, etc. He called you to lead the vision and to be smart enough to delegate the responsibilities.

If you’re a leader in any capacity, ask God to send you committed people who will help you on this journey.  Some will be seasonal, and others will last a lifetime.  None of that matters, because one thing is sure, you can’t do it all.

Ty Lewis


I am passionate about life and the gift that God has given me. I believe that everyone in life has a purpose, and it's up to the individual whether or not the purpose will be fulfilled. In my spare time, I enjoy writing, reading, speaking, and spending time with my husband Leslie and our two daughters Mckenzie and Giavanni.

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